Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Akashic Records (from " Atem´s Notebooks") II

October 2009
(location: Egypt, no date established)

It is a room of thick walls oriented to South,  the noon light is entering through  a large unframed window. By its side are seats and a rectangular table around which a small group of women and men sit, as taking part in an important reunion. All of them seem to belong to the Royalty but even so they make not any ostentation of it, and most seems wearing gems with therapeutic and astrological purpose only. Just below the window sit two young couple, one of them just a bit older, the women are dressed one in green and the younger in a deep blue cloth, both men wear clothes of a neutral ocher. Notwithstanding their young age both couples give the impression to be quite austere and dedicated to some kind of spiritual discipline. The seats at the opposite side of the table is occupied by four men, they look like counselors and their dress is equally austere as the previous, least one of them, evidently a therapist, with shaved head, bare breasted and just a short orange tunic to his knees.
The gathering is presided by an elder man which stands by them and to whom all look with great respect. He looks like a renouncer, an ascetic and thin figure covered with a white-old cloth clean but gray for the use, bare feet and shaved head, not even a single ring and yet I understand they are facing the Pharaoh in person. It is evident he is a man whom has undergone an austere spiritual discipline, and rather as their Pharaoh they look at him as their spiritual Master of whom all seem disciples.
Notwithstanding his austere look, the simple and mild endeavor of the Pharaoh allow certain familiarity to the gathered, which seem not affected by his high status were not for their eyes, that denote a great respect for the elder not so much for being their Pharaoh but for the evident greatness of his spirit. It results evident that only the Pharaoh has realized the perfect Renounce, and his authority is naturally consented by all for his high spiritual attainments, and yet he endeavour as a father among them.
Presently, the conversation is related with the cult. For some reason I'm perfectly able to understand what they say and their thoughts are clear and unmistakable. They are considering that the cult among the common people has became an exterior form without any inner meaning. They are analyzing the situation. To the Pharaoh and the little group, quite learned figures whom can write and read and have access to the Annals and the different teachings, the cult is not a mere devotional attitude or superstitious beliefs, to them is the filial respect they nurture for the Great  Conceiver in discovering through the exact science -mathematics- some fundamental law which rules the Cosmos. It is a mathematics of divine origin applied by them to the sky and the earth, symbolized and revealed by them, the Revealers.

Great sages for thousands of years before them had look to the skies deciphering the stellar hieroglyphics. The universe revealed them the Great Doer and they were mere spectators and interpreters, it was not a superstitious cult, it was an authentic recognisement of a Great Presence.
In these words the Pharaoh posed the terms of the talking, and he continued:- But our people has not the power to understand these laws. They are simple minded, uncultured, they can't read, and cannot get any benefit from the Chronicles or from our scientific-religious writings.
At some moment in our history, it became necessary to enhance with anthropomorphic symbols these truths. Even so, during the centuries that shapes became void of any meaning and lost their importance among the people. The public sacrifices to that anthropomorphic truths, were at the beginning able to drive the emotion of the people evoking some kind of religious feeling. In the actuality they have ended up as something to which almost nobody concur, and to the few they fail anyway in evoking any devotion nor do improve the intellect or the ethic of the people. At this moment, this is the situation.
So, the question is: "What to do in order to awake a true interest of the people for their Creator"?
The gathered express their opinions. They debate their theories among themselves exposing the respective weak points in an increasingly perfecting way till a certain point, in which everybody stills and look the Pharaoh in the eyes. After his introductory exposition he has taken part in the conversation only for brief moments, sometime to rectify an historical date or a fact, others, to lead the talk with just a few words.
He remains in silence as resuming all were said, trying to get a definite sense to the question and the opinions released around the table. When he speaks, he does it in a very mild manner. He's leading them to consider that  the true cult only can be realized by a cultivated heart.
-A well cultivated and exercised mind- he says -can reach to conceive the Great Doer, to whom, just because of this understanding, would love-.
-Somehow the essential thing is Love. Some day- he continued- the idols of the cult will not be anymore idols of the mind but idols of the heart.
They will emphasize the qualities of  love more then that of understanding. He refers to astronomical calculation and prophecies in the Annals which foresaw a combination of stars cross shaped aligned with the sidereal horizon. According to the Annals that will be the announcer of the next forthcoming in the Cosmos of a great spring of Love and divine Knowledge.
-The ancient Annals are safeguarded in a temple and are not among the texts of more frequent consultation, anyway, the calculations are there-.
The two young couples  as seems the case now and then) openly dissent on the opportunity there to undust ancient prophecies either authentic or symbolic since in the whole, they say, religion has taken to the present situation. They consider that whatever decision has to be taken starting from the present moment, and renouncing once for all to the tradition.
Some of the counselors keep silent, another one and the therapist seem bent toward the opinion of the Pharaoh to review the calculations before taking any decision, but the majority seem not to be of the same opinion. It is decided to form a commission presided by the Pharaoh as main councilor, since he is the most prepared among them for the revision of the documents.
When the commission ends its work the Pharaoh order a translucent lens(1) of about 1mt in diameter to be installed in the little tower on the roof of the palace.  The tower looks like a little telescope in bricks. One night, the leather which covers the lens is removed and the Pharaoh take sit inside the tower.
I can witness how in the lens some constellation reverberate as points of light which have incremented their brilliance.
And there at the lowest part of the lens appears the cross, four stars that shine more then others, with the longer segment  perfectly aligned with the horizon. The revision of the calculations has proved the authenticity of the ancient predictions, assuring at the same time the next coming of that Great Consciousness, as correctly interpreted by the ancient astronomers. I see as the Pharaoh gets up as willing to let the others witness his discovery, but then I lost contact. (A few days later I had another vision which indirectly explained what later happened).
(1) I´m not an expert on optics, I´m a scribe which only registers akashic visions, and for a certain time I believed this part of the vision to be wholly symbolical, as I could not make up my mind ancient Egyptians had astronomical devices as lens etc.
Not much later someone advanced that ancient people could have made lenses out of ice, reason for which lenses cant be found. I don't know if such a thing is possible, but the Greeks had big lens which could burn up the enemy ships. It seems reasonable they made them out of ice, as even a small lens made out of ice may light a fire if focused with the sun. Greeks learned a deal from Egyptians, and possibly they came to the knowledge of how to produce big ice lenses.

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